Fira d’herbes remeieres (Poster-Leaflet)

I love the postflet format: when folded becomes a leaflet and unfolded is a poster.
I love the postflet format: when folded becomes a leaflet and unfolded is a poster.
Comic strip for the Day mothers project La caseta del pati
Ink, pencil and digital tools.
2019 Calendar for Oxiris chemical company
Reversible scenographic element: Forest / Castle
For Eva González Rondalles i contes
Acrylic on wood
Set elements for the educational audition “Vine al mercadal” by La botzina.
Part of them live painted during the show.
Backdrops painted by Castells de Cardedeu
Maraki Dolls are cut with paper scissors, like the old days, and dressed up by folding the tabs, like the old days, but the clothes they wear are like the new ones that you and I use in nowadays.
Maraki Dolls do not have a top model body but they do not mind, all the contrary, they are pleased with their body and do not try to hide it. They like to wear any kind of clothes, lending their outfits to one another and making up stories.
You’ll find maraki paper dolls at marakillustration shop and in Laie Caixafòrum Library in Barcelona
Maraki Dolls are cut with paper scissors, like the old days, and dressed up by folding the tabs, like the old days, but the clothes they wear are like the new ones that you and I use in nowadays.
Maraki Dolls do not have a top model body but they do not mind, all the contrary, they are pleased with their body and do not try to hide it. They like to wear any kind of clothes, lending their outfits to one another and making up stories.
You’ll find maraki paper dolls at marakillustration shop and in Laie Caixafòrum Library in Barcelona
Maraki Dolls are cut with paper scissors, like the old days, and dressed up by folding the tabs, like the old days, but the clothes they wear are like the new ones that you and I use in nowadays.
Maraki Dolls do not have a top model body but they do not mind, all the contrary, they are pleased with their body and do not try to hide it. They like to wear any kind of clothes, lending their outfits to one another and making up stories.
You’ll find maraki paper dolls at marakillustration shop and in Laie Caixafòrum Library in Barcelona
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